In this section, we'll be covering recommended Goal Methodologies that you can utilize and deploy to your company. Please review all the following sections carefully. Each of the chapters are broken down into separate articles, which are linked in the table of contents below.
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From no goal-setting, to recording goals in spreadsheets, to using a dedicated goals solution, every company has a different journey. For companies that are new to goal-setting, we recommend focusing on employee-manager alignment, with the main objective being growth and development for direct reports. For companies with more experience in goal management, we recommend transparency when possible. This enables employees to view their goals in the context of other corporate initiatives, driving productivity and engagement across your workforce.
Recommended Reflektive Goal Configurations

Another question you may have is whether companies should always use cascading goals, or if there are situations in which it’s better to not align goals to company-wide objectives. Depending on employee comfort with goal management, and the type of goal being created, we recommend the following:
Recommended Goal Alignment based on Goal Type

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