Feedback about me allows you to do two things:
- Write private notes to yourself
- Request feedback about yourself from other people
Notes to Yourself
You can save private notes to your self, where you can consistently capture private thoughts about how you handled a certain situation, your priorities, or other questions that you may have but want to discuss later. For example:
- There's an assignment you want to sign up for, and you want to capture some details so that you can discuss it in your next 1x1.
- You did something really well, and you want to capture the win and what you learned so that you can bring it up in your next review or check-in.
- Something you worked on didn't go well, and you want to save yourself a coaching tip.
If you want, you may optionally share a note with your manager to give them insight into your thoughts.
Here's how to save feedback about yourself:
- Click the Feedback button on the Home page, your Profile page, or the Feedback page.
- In the Feedback dialog box, select Feedback about me in the Feedback Type field.
- Click the Feedback Action field and select Write.
- Optionally, add a title to easily identify the feedback note.
- Click the Comment field and write your note. There must be at least 21 characters to save your note.
- Optionally, if your application has been configured for it, you can add hashtags to your feedback. Available hashtags are displayed under the Comment field. Just click the hashtag to add it.
- Click the Share with field and select Don't share if you want your note to be private only to you, or select Your manager if you want your manager to be able to see it.
- Click Save.
Your private notes will be visible on your profile page as well as in other places where you might need to refer to them, such as 1:1s and check-ins.
Request Feedback
You can ask one or more colleagues to give you feedback about yourself. For example:
- You worked on a project with someone and want their opinion of how you did.
- You are part of a team and want their feedback on your overall job performance.
- You helped a fellow employee to solve a problem and want to show that to your manager in your next 1:1.
To request feedback from someone, do the following:
- Click the Feedback button on the Home page, your Profile page, or the Feedback page.
- In the Feedback dialog box, select Feedback about me in the Feedback Type field.
- Click the Feedback Action field and select Request.
- Click the Request From field and begin typing a coworker's name. Matching names appear as you type. You can type any part of a name: first, last, or middle.
- Click the name you want. You may select more than one coworker if you want. For example, you may want to request feedback from a team or group that you work with.
- Under Questions for Request, select the preconfigured questions that your feedback providers can answer. This provides structure and consistency to your feedback and makes it easier for them to provide meaningful feedback to you.
- You can optionally add your own question by clicking Add Question, clicking the box, and typing your custom question. Be sure to select the check box to include the new question in your feedback request. Note that you can have a total of 5 questions in any given feedback request.
- Click Next.
- On the next page, you can optionally add a title and description to give some context for your request to your feedback providers.
- Click Submit.
The people from whom you requested feedback will get an action item on their home page and can respond to it from there or from the Feedback page.
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