Step 1: Write Reviews
After you click on "Review," you'll see a survey form with questions that managers have to answer.
If you and your employee are answering the same questions, you'll be able to view your employee's self-assessment as you write your manager assessment in the survey form.
When you click on "Submit," your manager review will be marked completed, however, you still need to share the review report with your employee. Note that the questions in your employee's survey form may be different from the questions in your survey form, so it's recommended that you view their review form before you finish writing your manager review.
Step 2: Deliver Reports
To deliver the completed review report to your direct report after your conversation:
- Go to "Deliver Reports"
- Click on "View and Deliver"
- Read the review a final time
- Click "Preview And Release"
- Click "Complete & Release"
Detailed workflow:
In "Deliver Reports" you'll be able to:
- Identify which direct report finished their assessment
- Look over the complete review report from a manager and an employee's point of view
- Deliver the review electronically to your employee
Click "View and Deliver" to see the Review Report from the manager's perspective. Use the "Viewing Report as:" toggle to switch between the manager view and the employee's view.
You'll also be able to navigate the following subsections:
- Question Breakdown (breakdown by each question)
- Overall Summary (high level summary of each section)
- Competencies (response distribution of each section)
Pending on your company's underlying settings, you may only see some of these subsections.
Also, for Question Breakdown, you as a manager have the ability to hide/unhide comments make it to the final delivered report by hovering over comments and clicking on the hide/unhide link.
Recommendation: view all sections of the review and have a review conversation before releasing the final review report to your direct report!
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