If you're a manager and would like to export one of the eleven self-service reports for reviews from Reflektive, here's how you can do so!
Here is the list of reports:
- All Review Feedback: All scores and comments for my team (my direct reports, and their respective direct reports) in the review.
- Review Completion Status: Who has/hasn't written their assigned reviews.
- Employee Review Progress by Step: Track each employee's progress through the review.
- Review Scores by Department: For reviews with rating scale questions, this report shows average scores by department.
- Review Scores by Employee: Same as #4, broken down by employee (if we have that data).
- Review Scores by Location: Same as #4, broken down by location (if we have that data).
- Total Review Assignments per Employee: For 360 reviews, this report will show how many total reviews each person has been asked to write. This is meant to help with workload balancing.
Peer Reviews to Write Per Employee: The number of peer reviews each employee has been asked to write, and the list of names of those peers. This is different than the existing "Reviews to Write" report, which includes all reviews to write (peer, self, manager, upwards)
Total Peers Reviewing Each Employee: The number of peers that are set to write reviews about each person. Used to track how many and what peers are reviewing each person.
- Calibration: For all review types, this a custom report that contains a row for each user and the responses to any questions you designate before the review as "Calibration" questions. This is often used to generate a simple report of user IDs and final employee scores, which can be used to facilitate Calibration processes. This is only enabled upon request.
- Declined Reviews: If your review cycle includes the option for employees to decline peer reviews they do not wish to write, then this report will provide a list of all those reviews that have been declined. This is useful for tracking usage of the "Decline" feature and for helping to re-assign reviews where needed.
Under the Reports tab, select the report type you'd like to export. Then email it to yourself.
Please note that downloaded reports will show information about direct and indirect reports.
A special note about the review calibration report for managers - it functions largely in the same way that it does for administrators. Managers will be able to also click on the gear icon for specific headers that they want a graphical visualization for and then either view it as a bar chart or a pie chart.

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