The Goals platform for managers is easily accessible by clicking on the "Goals" tab at the top of the menu. Below, you'll learn about functionality exclusive to people managers.
Your dashboard as a manager. You have all the functionality of an individual contributor with some more functionality to help manage your direct report's (or cross-functional team members goals).
Selecting your direct report will pull up their goals. You'll be able to edit, align/realign, clone, comment on, and delete their goals.
If you are part of a team, you'll be able to create team goals. Teams section can be set up as an administrator.
Working With Your Direct Report's Goals
Once you are comfortable switching between you, your manager's, your direct reports, and teams goals, we'll focus on what you can do with your Direct Report's goals.
View/Edit their Goal
When you hover over a goal, you'll see 3 buttons appear. The first button allows you to view/edit their goal.
You can also edit any parameters of your direct report's goal. You can also add or remove Key Results. Making any changes will trigger an email to your direct report so they are aware of any modifications to their goal.
You can also change their status of their goal. Here is the Goal Status workflow:
View/Add/Edit Alignment of their Goal
This allows you as a manager to view how your direct report's goal aligns to another goal (whether to one of your own goals, a team goal, or a company goal). In this case, the manager's direct report Ryan doesn't have anything aligned with his goal. You can click Edit Alignment to modify this.
On this window, you can select who the owner is and which public and active goal of theirs you'd like to align to. You have an option to Switch this if they somehow get reversed.
Once you save and view the goal alignment again, you'll see the new alignment in place. Finally, you can click on the Expand button to see a more detailed visualization of how that goal is aligned.
Cascade (Managers/Admins only) your Goal to your direct reports/employees
This features allows you to clone a goal and assign it to someone else (individuals, teams, departments, locations, and positions). You can deepen alignment by having the cloned goals align to the original one. It should be noted that cascading Team Goals is NOT currently supported.
Comment on their Goal
Add comments or notes on the goal. Depending on who has access to viewing the goal, other employees would be able to leave a comment on the goal as well. Most commonly, this could be a place where a manager and direct report discuss a goal if an in-person opportunity isn't available.
Delete their Goal
Deletes the goal and corresponding key results. You have to click on the confirmation window to finalize deleting a review.

Using Goals for Managers Best Practices
- Speak with your manager first before you start adding your goals to the system. If you have alignment, it will be easier to achieve goals that will both benefit yourself as well as overall company goals.
It’s always a good idea to have a few different goals to track towards. The more detailed you are with them, the better you'll be with the overall goal, both in direction and focus. OKRs (Objective Key Results) are usually measurable items that employees can check off and complete as they support and build towards an overall goal - having these while using the different OKR measurements you see will help quantify your progress.
- Keep your goals up to date/tidy! Archive or delete completed/irrelevant goals. If one of your goals has changed, make the appropriate updates in the system.
- Set realistic goal due dates/time frames. To immediately feel the benefits of a goal tracking system, it's better to start small and have a few goals you can achieve in a relatively short time period (a project or task you can complete within a few days/weeks) before building up to more complex goals. By getting into the habit, you'll have a lot to say about your achievements when and if you have a performance review!
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