How to Write Effective Recognition
According to research, 66% of us want more recognition at work. However, giving meaningful recognition takes practice.
We could easily say “Thanks for doing a great job,” but that doesn’t help your colleague understand what they should be doing more of or what specifically they did well. Aim to give recognition that is specific, with context and showcases impact and hopefully a cultural value.
Example: Instead of “thanks for doing a great job” we can say, “Thanks for doing a great job launching our new partner program. Your attention to detail in creating training collateral and your persistent follow-up with our top 5 partners has really helped our partners get excited about our product and pitch it well.”
Tips for giving thanks in Reflektive:
- Be specific
- Give context
- Share how it affected your work/well being
- Showcase a cultural value with value hashtags
- 1 - 3 sentences
- Practice!
Remember to exercise your "recognition muscle" and practice the art of giving thanks often (in person or in Reflektive).
When Should I Give Thanks:
When you see something, say something! Recommendation: Exercise your recognition muscle once a week.
- When you notice a colleague going above and beyond their role
- When someone helped you with one of your initiatives
- When your manager helped you with a concern
- When someone is actively contributing to upholding your culture
- When an internally facing team member (finance, HR, accounting, etc) does something that benefits the entire company
How to Give Recognition in Reflektive
Easily give thanks in the web app!
How to Give Thanks in the Web App:
- Log into Reflektive (
- Go to the Home Tab or the Recognition Wall (if enabled)
- Click on the Feedback button, then the below window appears:
- Click in the Add recipient(s) search bar and type in who you want to give recognition to
- Write your message
- Tip: tag your thanks with a core value that was demonstrated
- Choose to "Share with Everyone" to post on the Recognition Wall or "Share with Recipient(s)" to post privately to the recipients
- Click Share Feedback

- Tip: tag your thanks with a core value that was demonstrated
How to Give Thanks in the Plugin:
- Open up your email
- Go to the email plugin (right side of your email)
- Pull up the email of your colleague OR click on the magnifying glass and type in the names of one or more colleagues
- Click on Thanks
- Tip: tag your thanks with a core value that was demonstrated
- Choose to "Share with Everyone" to post on the Recognition Wall or "Share with Recipient(s)" to post privately to the recipient
- Click Send

- Tip: tag your thanks with a core value that was demonstrated
Viewing Recognition for Myself and Others
On the Home Page, below the are where you can leave recognition, you'll see an activity wall showing public recognition. There is a filter to the right that allows you to narrow down what you want to see:

- Company - all public recognition will be displayed
- My Location - all public recognition in your location (eg: San Francisco, Northern Territory, Europe, etc) will be displayed
- My Department - all public recognition within your department/business unit (eg: Engineering, Sales, etc) will be displayed
My Team - all public recognition for yourself, direct reports (if applicable), your manager (if applicable), and anyone else who reports to your manager (if applicable)
Other places: Recognition for Me:
- Email when you're thanked
- When you get recognized, Reflektive will send you an email. Click on the view link to view your recognition
Other places: View Recognition for Others:
- Weekly recognition email
- Reflektive will generate a weekly recognition email that highlights the thanks that were given in the week that are most relevant for you based on your team and department
- Email when your direct report is thanked publicly
- If one of your direct reports got thanked publicly, you'll get an email directing you to view the thanks post
Can I Edit Thanks That I've Written?
Yes, you can edit thanks that you've written by click on "Edit" in the web app. Make sure to save your edits. This will not generate another email to the person getting thanked!
Can I Delete Thanks That I've Written?
Yes, you can delete the thanks that you've written by click on the trashcan icon in the web app. Note: This does not rescind the thanks email that was sent when you posted.
Why Can't I See My Recognition in the Email?
There are a couple reasons why Reflektive doesn't display thanks in the email:- The author of the post might have edited the post content so what you see in the email may not be the final version
- The author of the post might have deleted the post
We encourage you to visit the wall and see what other recognition is happening in other departments!
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