Creating a culture of feedback involves both giving and receiving, and we aim to encourage and facilitate both. However, employees often feel overwhelmed or unable to ask for feedback from their managers. What can be done about this?
Our Request Feedback feature empowers employees to evaluate their performance in real time, driving their professional development. Additionally, it:
- Provides a seamless opportunity for employees to ask for feedback from managers and peers, which promotes regular, ongoing feedback for professional development.
- Allows employees to draw from a source of diverse perspectives, both within and outside of the company.
- By promoting ongoing feedback, it becomes less stressful for employees to initiate the conversation and receive valuable insight.
- For managers, employee-driven feedback provides an opportunity to empower and mentor employees.
Employees can request feedback from the My Feedback Page or our Email Plugins, and the feedback will be private between the sender and the recipient.
What does this tool look like in action? Start by logging into Reflektive, then going to the "Home" tab. From there, click on "My Feedback" on the left-hand menu.
Requesting Feedback from the Web App
Clicking on "Request Feedback" pulls up this window, where you can provide more information about your request. Note that you can request feedback from multiple people if you'd like - each person will get a separate request without knowing who the other potential feedback providers are.
We recommend that requests be specific, specify the timeframe, and seek actionable next steps. Providing these details should push you past the minimum 40-character requirement, making the "Send Request" button clickable.
For requesting feedback internally, start typing in the name of people you want to solicit feedback from. A drop-down list will appear and you can select them.
If the person you want to solicit feedback is external from your company, put in the full email address of your intended recipient and then push "enter".
(External Requests Only) After writing out what you want in the text field and clicking "Submit", you'll be taken to the below page. Whatever you enter in for the "Name" field will populate as the recipient's name in the email request they receive.
Regardless if you pick an internal or external person, the system will trigger an email that comes from admin@reflektive.com. The email will link the recipient(s) to a form.

From that form, if they fill it out, the response will trigger a reply to the person who requested feedback. The feedback will display on the person’s My Feedback Page. The character limit here is the Real-Time Feedback minimum character limit set for the company.

This confirmation message appears before submission:

In addition to the feedback displaying on the recipient's "My Feedback" page, it will also display on the Sent Feedback page for the author.
Finally, for any requests that haven't been responded to, Reflektive can send weekly automated reminder emails to help get those requests completed. An example email reminder shown below:
Requesting Feedback from the Plugin
From the Reflektive Real-Time Feedback plugins (Gmail, Outlook, and Mac Mail), there are two places that will prompt you to Request Feedback (this works for INTERNAL requests only):
- When looking at your own profile
- After you send feedback of any type; there will be a prompt that reads: “Want more feedback? Request here.”

Use Cases
- Employees want to see how they’re doing 90 days into the job. After their first big project, they ask their teammates for feedback on what did/did not go well. From this feedback, they have actionable data to discuss with their managers.
- A manager wants to nominate an employee for promotion, and has been asked for supporting evidence. There was no recent review cycle, so the manager has a need to collect real-time feedback in support of the nomination. This feedback paints an up-to-the-minute picture of the employee’s contributions and helps facilitate the promotion process.
- Employees want to see how they can help other cross-functional teams more, so they request feedback from the functional heads of those teams. They receive unfiltered feedback on strengths and opportunities for improvement.
- Employees working with external clients or vendors can ask them for feedback on how the partnership went. For instance, if the Marketing Manager is working with an external agency to develop the website, they can ask the vendor for feedback on their responsiveness and collaboration, allowing for a more diverse perspective on their collaboration skills.
Can I See Requests That I Sent?
- You cannot, but your Reflektive Admin can pull a report (Feedback Requests Report) to see which requests have been sent and answered.
Can I Save a Draft of Feedback I Want to Provide?
- No, the request feedback feature is meant to be lightweight.
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