As companies around the world become more integrated within a global economy, you often see the breakdown of barriers, allowing for culturally and linguistically diverse groups to work closely together. This poises unique challenges for HR administrators: How can they effectively manage these employees in a consistent way without relying on a variety of systems and processes? And, how can they do it without diluting or misinterpreting the company vision and core values?
Localization is a feature that enables your business to support multiple languages within the Reflektive platform, allowing employees to choose their language of preference. In addition to language support, Localization supports customization of text in Reflektive to align with a company’s cultural preference.
How Localization Benefits Your Company
- You can customize Reflektive to align with your company's internal branding and culture.
- You can create a more engaging environment for employees by aligning with their language preferences.
- You now have the means the means to tailor your company's Reflektive experience to their corporate structure and culture.
How Does it Work?
1) Reflektive infers an employees language preferences based on their browser's language preference. If the browser language preference aligns with the language pack that is available, the language preference will update accordingly. If the language preference in the browser is not available in Reflektive, Reflektive will default to English text.
2) Employees can update the translation to their preferred language by going to the Profile page and selecting a language from the drop-down.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this automatically available?
No, Localization services are an enhancement, and as such, incur an additional cost to implement. If you're interested, please contact your Customer Success Manager to learn more about this opportunity.
How do I adjust my date format?
The international community uses DD/MM/YYYY as their preferred date format, instead of MM/DD/YYYY. MM/DD/YYYY is used mainly in US territories.
To meet the needs of employees based outside the US, the date format in Reflektive adjusts to the non-US standard whenever a non-English language is selected.
Future: We recognize there are cases when employees prefer non-English languages and the US date format, or when employees use English outside of the US (AU, UK, Singapore, NZ, etc). To handle these scenarios, we plan to build the ability to select one’s preferred date format, regardless of the language preference.
What languages are available?
- English | English (US)
- Spanish | Español
- French | Français
- Chinese | 中文 (Simplified)
- Portuguese | Português (Brazil)
- German | Deutsche
- Japanese | 日本語
- English (United Kingdom)
- Italiano (Italian)
- 한국어 (Korean)
Why did my language preference change?
Language preferences are current saved via cookie. If you switched browsers or computers, you may need to re-select your preferred language.
Why do I not see any language options in my dropdown?
Your company admin may not have purchased the languages. If you have purchased language options, please contact support for assistance.
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