Within the People Intelligence platform, you'll find dashboards. Dashboards are comprised of a collection of Reports, giving users a way to present and consume data in a way that is most meaningful to them. By using a combination of features found within People Intelligence, one can derive and provide detailed insights into how your company is engaging with the rest of the Reflektive platform.
Dashboards Overview
In the example screenshot below, you'll see a number of reports (7 are visible) that make up the overall Review Progress dashboard. You can have any number of dashboards containing any number of reports (default or custom.) Thus, it is possible to create executive dashboards, department dashboards, and all the way down to individual dashboards.
The People Intelligence platform comes with a number of default reports, but you are able to create custom ones as well.
The Dashboard List
Home Dashboard
If a user has elected to have a home dashboard, then the user will land on the home dashboard when entering the Analytics feature. A home dashboard may be selected by using the Dashboard List Actions (shown below.) A user will not have a home dashboard by default. Each user must set their own home dashboard--there are no company wide home dashboards.
Generally, the home dashboard operates the same as any other dashboard, but may be used to highlight the most important metrics that a user wants to keep an eye on.
Dashboard List
The Dashboard List allows the user to navigate and take actions on dashboards, as well as initiate the creation of a new dashboard (the + New button.)
The dashboard list can be sorted by clicking on the headers in the table for Name, Number of Reports, Owner (for shared reports only), and Last Modified date (for private and shared reports.)
Clicking on the + New button will allow to create a blank dashboard. You will have to name your new dashboard, while providing a description is optional.
After creating the new dashboard, you will see an empty work space with instructions on how to begin.
Dashboard List Actions
Alongside Dashboard names in the Dashboard List, there are a set of icons which allow the user to take action with the Dashboard. These icons appear when you hover your mouse cursor over any of the dashboard items, as seen below.-
Make Home Dashboard // Unselect Home Dashboard
Clicking this icon chooses the selected dashboard as the user’s Home Dashboard. Each user can choose any one dashboard as their home dashboard. If that dashboard is deleted or removed, the user will revert to having no home dashboard. Similarly, the user may click the Make Home Dashboard button a second time to unselect the option and return to a state of having no home dashboard.
When selected as a users home dashboard, this status is indicated with a home icon alongside the dashboard’s name in the list.
This action allows the user to make a clone of the selected dashboard. Whether the selected dashboard is a private or shared dashboard, cloning creates a new, private dashboard with the same configurations.
Make Shared // Unshare
This action is only available to admins. As an admin, a user can make any private dashboard of theirs into a shared dashboard using this action. Conversely, they may also unshare a shared dashboard of which they are the Owner.
A user may delete a Private Dashboard using this action. Note that this may only be done to private dashboards and shared dashboards for which the user is the owner.
Make Home Dashboard // Unselect Home Dashboard

Make Home Dashboard // Unselect Home Dashboard
Clicking this icon chooses the selected dashboard as the user’s Home Dashboard. Each user can choose any one dashboard as their home dashboard. If that dashboard is deleted or removed, the user will revert to having no home dashboard. Similarly, the user may click the Make Home Dashboard button a second time to unselect the option and return to a state of having no home dashboard.
When selected as a users home dashboard, this status is indicated with a home icon alongside the dashboard’s name in the list.
This action allows the user to make a clone of the selected dashboard. Whether the selected dashboard is a private or shared dashboard, cloning creates a new, private dashboard with the same configurations.
Make Shared // Unshare
This action is only available to admins. As an admin, a user can make any private dashboard of theirs into a shared dashboard using this action. Conversely, they may also unshare a shared dashboard of which they are the Owner.
A user may delete a Private Dashboard using this action. Note that this may only be done to private dashboards and shared dashboards for which the user is the owner.

The Dashboard Viewer
The Dashboard Viewer opens anytime a user clicks on a dashboard from the Dashboard List. The Home Dashboard is also an instance of the Dashboard Viewer component.
Moving and Resizing Reports
Reports on a dashboard can be moved by clicking and holding on a report and dragging the report around the dashboard. The size of the report can be changed by clicking on the bottom right corner of a report on a dashboard and resizing the report to the desired dimensions.
Note that the dashboard is built to raise all reports to the top of empty space on the report. For instance, resizing a report so that it no longer takes up the space above another report on a dashboard will result in the other report automatically being moved up.
Removing Reports from Dashboard
Reports may be removed from a dashboard by hovering over a report, and clicking on the “x” icon at the top right of the report.
Dashboard Viewer Actions
Alongside the above actions, there are a set of icons which allow the user to take action with the Dashboard itself. The icons are on the top-right of the interface, as seen in the screenshot below:-
Add Reports to Dashboard
Selecting this action pulls in a sidebar that lets the user search for and add their private reports to the dashboard. The list of reports in the sidebar can be sorted by most recently modified or alphabetical methods. Once the user has found the report that they wish to add to the dashboard, they may add it by pressing the “+” icon to the right of the report name. Reports that have been added to the dashboard will no longer appear in the Add Reports to Dashboard list. Additionally, reports that are added to a dashboard are by default placed at the bottom of the dashboard. They may then be rearranged and resized by the user.
Edit Dashboard
This action brings up a window with lets the user change the name and description of the opened dashboard.
Selecting this action brings up a window which allows the user to filter the data for all reports on the dashboard at the same time, without leaving the dashboard viewer.
For example, this is useful when viewing a high level dashboard regarding Review Completion, and you may want to drill into the metrics for a specific department. The Filter Dashboard action could be used to select the desired department and see how the data is effected.The Filter window operates similarly to the Data Tab Filter Selector. A key difference is that because a dashboard may have Reports from multiple products, the user must first select which product they desire to select a filter for. If a user applies a filter to a dashboard for an attribute that is specific to one product, such as applying a filter to only show Active Goals, there may be Reports on the dashboard which cannot be filtered by that characteristic. Such reports will show an empty state alert as long as that Filter is in place.
Note that applied filters will be saved along with the dashboard configuration if a user chooses to save the dashboard.
Filters that have been applied to a dashboard will appear as chips beneath the name of the Dashboard. Filters can be removed from a dashboard by pressing the “x” icon in a filter chip.
Save Button
The Save button is located at the top right of the Dashboard Viewer. The button is grey when no changes have been made to a dashboard. It turns blue when a change has been made that can be saved.
Saving a dashboard configuration saves the the full organization of what the user is seeing: the dashboard name, the reports on the reports on the dashboard, their arrangement, their sizes, and filters that have been applied to the dashboard.
Saving a previously unsaved dashboard will save to the user’s Private Dashboard list immediately upon clicking the Save button. When making modifications to an existing Private or Shared Dashboard, clicking the save button brings up a model that alerts the user as to the nature of the save. Clicking the Save button after making modifications to an existing private dashboard gives the user the option to save the dashboard as a new private dashboard, or to update the existing dashboard.
Clicking the save button after making modifications to a shared dashboard shows different options for the Owner of the shared dashboard and non-owners. The Owner of the shared dashboard will be given the option to save the dashboard as a new private dashboard, or to update the existing shared dashboard. Non-owners will only have the option to save their changes as a new private dashboard.
Add Reports to Dashboard

Add Reports to Dashboard
Selecting this action pulls in a sidebar that lets the user search for and add their private reports to the dashboard. The list of reports in the sidebar can be sorted by most recently modified or alphabetical methods. Once the user has found the report that they wish to add to the dashboard, they may add it by pressing the “+” icon to the right of the report name. Reports that have been added to the dashboard will no longer appear in the Add Reports to Dashboard list. Additionally, reports that are added to a dashboard are by default placed at the bottom of the dashboard. They may then be rearranged and resized by the user.
Edit Dashboard
This action brings up a window with lets the user change the name and description of the opened dashboard.
Selecting this action brings up a window which allows the user to filter the data for all reports on the dashboard at the same time, without leaving the dashboard viewer.
For example, this is useful when viewing a high level dashboard regarding Review Completion, and you may want to drill into the metrics for a specific department. The Filter Dashboard action could be used to select the desired department and see how the data is effected.The Filter window operates similarly to the Data Tab Filter Selector. A key difference is that because a dashboard may have Reports from multiple products, the user must first select which product they desire to select a filter for. If a user applies a filter to a dashboard for an attribute that is specific to one product, such as applying a filter to only show Active Goals, there may be Reports on the dashboard which cannot be filtered by that characteristic. Such reports will show an empty state alert as long as that Filter is in place.
Note that applied filters will be saved along with the dashboard configuration if a user chooses to save the dashboard.
Filters that have been applied to a dashboard will appear as chips beneath the name of the Dashboard. Filters can be removed from a dashboard by pressing the “x” icon in a filter chip.
Save Button
The Save button is located at the top right of the Dashboard Viewer. The button is grey when no changes have been made to a dashboard. It turns blue when a change has been made that can be saved.
Saving a dashboard configuration saves the the full organization of what the user is seeing: the dashboard name, the reports on the reports on the dashboard, their arrangement, their sizes, and filters that have been applied to the dashboard.
Saving a previously unsaved dashboard will save to the user’s Private Dashboard list immediately upon clicking the Save button. When making modifications to an existing Private or Shared Dashboard, clicking the save button brings up a model that alerts the user as to the nature of the save. Clicking the Save button after making modifications to an existing private dashboard gives the user the option to save the dashboard as a new private dashboard, or to update the existing dashboard.
Clicking the save button after making modifications to a shared dashboard shows different options for the Owner of the shared dashboard and non-owners. The Owner of the shared dashboard will be given the option to save the dashboard as a new private dashboard, or to update the existing shared dashboard. Non-owners will only have the option to save their changes as a new private dashboard.

The Filter window operates similarly to the Data Tab Filter Selector. A key difference is that because a dashboard may have Reports from multiple products, the user must first select which product they desire to select a filter for. If a user applies a filter to a dashboard for an attribute that is specific to one product, such as applying a filter to only show Active Goals, there may be Reports on the dashboard which cannot be filtered by that characteristic. Such reports will show an empty state alert as long as that Filter is in place.
Filters that have been applied to a dashboard will appear as chips beneath the name of the Dashboard. Filters can be removed from a dashboard by pressing the “x” icon in a filter chip.

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