With Reflektive's Recognition Platform, you will be able provide the framework for your employees to get in the spirit of providing timely recognition, promote candid conversations around strengths and growth opportunities, and iterating from the insight gathered to continuously evolve at your role.
Now, it's time to think about how to announce the Recognition platform to your employees.
The below will cover some key points that will serve as the foundation of your story about your performance management process and why Reflektive, and sample email templates on how to announce the Reflektive Recognition Platform.
Communication Plan
The more communication given before the launch of the Recognition Platform, the more time employees have to learn about the tool, clarify any confusion, and start thinking about that first piece of recognition they'd want to give.
We recommend the following.
Announcement Timing:
- Employees like to have at least 2-4 weeks or more notice of an upcoming new feature. That way, people have time to prepare, especially people who are going on PTO/leave. Additionally, you will have time to gather sentiment about how this can affect processes downstream.
- Remember to keep your leadership appraised of your plans ahead of announcement!
- If feedback is a foreign concept to employees, you may want to allocate a longer runway so that you can do additional training and answer questions.
Key Messages:
Why / Why Now
- Share background and some of the key themes around why your company is investing in this new process and this new tool now.
- What are key objectives of this process?
- What are the benefits for the employee/teams/company?
- What is the process to achieve those objectives in the short and long-term?
- What tool are we using to accomplish these objectives?
How We Execute
- Expectations
- How often should people be giving feedback?
- How specific should feedback be?
- How do you follow up on feedback?
- What are some responsibilities for employees? For managers?
- Manager and direct report agreement on how feedback is given/taken.
- Training Plan
- What are some resources that employees can use to learn the product?
- When are employee or manager training sessions? How many are there?
- Share a FAQ with so that your employees know you're listening
- Expectations
Communication Channels:
Leadership Meeting
- We highly encourage you to socialize the Recognition Platform, your communication plan, and the benefits of the program with your leadership team to get their buy-in
- You'll want to do this at least 1-2 weeks prior to announcing so that you have time to incorporate their feedback
All Hands Meeting
- Share key components from the Key Messages section above to increase transparency and awareness, emphasize the importance and benefits of feedback to your culture
- It's important to have leadership buy-in for your new process, and we highly recommend inviting your executive sponsor to speak about the importance of this initiative
Coaching Office Hours/Brown Bag Session
- Answer questions and provide guidance in a casual setting
- Share the key messages around process and what to expect from the section above via email
- Showcase your executive sponsor advocating for the new process/for Reflektive
Tip: Draft an email for your executive sponsor to send out to the company so that he or she can also help you announce your new process - Send a follow-up when it's closer to launch time with due dates, expectations, and resources
Calendar Invite for Key Dates
- All hands meeting date
- Any training dates
- Any brown bag dates
- Other Creative Channels
- Videos (some of our clients get really creative!)
- Posters (Digital or otherwise)
- Intranet
- Slack
- TV Monitor announcement
Oftentimes, change management starts with executive sponsorship, so be sure to involve them early and have their support throughout the announcement of your process and any follow-ups!
Sample Announcement Emails
See some email templates for announcing the Reflektive Recognition Platform. We encourage you to personalize the content so that it resonates with your employees!
Communication to Managers Pre-Roll Out
- Instructions: Send this to All Managers to reinforce the messaging in an All Hands and/or Reflektive announcement email.
- Subject: Enabling your teams’ success using Reflektive’s Performance Management Platform
- From: Executive champion or team
- To: All Managers
- Cc: HR Admin
- Bcc: Your CS Advocate
[Dear All Employees],
You heard from [HR Admin] that we will soon be rolling Reflektive’s platform out company-wide. I wanted to make sure you understood why we decided to invest in this new tool to support our [current/new] processes.
We want everyone to feel comfortable with requesting, providing and receiving feedback to one another so that as a company and as professionals, we continue to grow. Part of your role as a manager is to take the time to understand each of your direct report’s preferences for how they like to receive feedback - both positive and developmental, and guide them through these discussions. We will arm you with tips, tools, and material resources to set you up for success. Further, we will be showing you on DD/Month how simply you can use the tool to enrich your 1x1 conversations.
We are asking that each of you make a commitment to help us achieve success with this program. You are our leaders and, as such, we ask that you lead by example. Within the first two weeks, please provide each of your direct reports positive and public recognition, and aim to continue at a monthly cadence. You will receive reminders within the plugin after time passes to help! We encourage you to provide additional pieces to others throughout the company and, once you feel comfortable, to begin saving private notes of developmental feedback for your direct reports as well.
Please prioritize our upcoming training so you can learn best practices and the tool itself. Additionally, as we roll this out please let us know what feedback you have!
Feel free to reach out to your HR admins for any questions.
Rolling out Recognition
- Instructions: The moment has come to invite your employees into the system. Enable them with the proper instructions and set expectations for how they should begin adopting your new performance management tool!
- Subject: You’re invited - COMPANY’S official roll out of Recognition with Reflektive!
- From: HR team
- To: All employees
- Cc: Executive champion
- Bcc: Your CS Advocate
Hey team -
We're excited to officially launch our new real-time recognition system, Reflektive! As I mentioned in [All-Hands last Thursday], Reflektive allows you to give your coworkers immediate recognition when they do something awesome/helpful, and even request feedback when you want it, directly from your Gmail/Outlook inbox [or Slack]. There are three locations in which you can provide recognition:
- The Real-Time Recognition wall (Reflektive.com)
- Within your gmail/outlook inbox
- Within a new Slack channel called Real-Time Recognition
Getting your users logged in:
Get started by logging in here:
- Go to this URL: https://www.reflektive.com/app
- Click on "Forgot Password or New User" to set up your password for the first time
- An email will be sent to you within the next 5 - 10 minutes to reset your password.
- If you don't receive your reset password email within 5 - 10 minutes, please check your spam filter or any other filters you have set up. The message subject line is “Reset password instructions” and should originate from support@reflektive.com.
Get started by logging in here:
- Go to this URL: https://www.reflektive.com/app#dashboard
- Click on "Log in with Google" and use your [Company email account]
Get started by logging in here:
- Visit your [Single Sign On] dashboard
- Select the Reflektive app to log in
+ Please install the Gmail/Outlook Plugin, and then try recognizing a coworker right from Gmail!
We will be adding you to the Recognition Slack channel - no action is needed on your end. That said, follow the instruction below in order for your Slack posts to appear on the Real-Time Recognition wall itself:
- Use any of the following recognition words/phrases: (NAMES: insert your chosen words here)
- @mention the person whom you’d like to recognize
- Respond “yes” to the DM from the Reflektive bot asking for confirmation that you’d like to have your recognition be posted on the wall.
Below are links to key resources:
- Reflektive’s blog with HR best practices and strategies
- Knowledge Center – FAQ’s
Our ask of YOU!
Make this a part of your weekly if not daily routine. Once you login:
- Upload your photo
- Fill out your 1x1 agenda items for your upcoming meeting with your manager (under My Feedback)
- Input your Q_ goals - start giving your manager visibility and ensuring alignment
- Thank someone who has made your day easier or gone above and beyond to exemplify one of our core values. Please add one of our core values!
- Scroll through our Recognition wall to see achievements of others
- Request feedback within the first 2 weeks. We will follow up with a specific challenge :)
Lastly, if you run into any technical issues please contact support@reflektive.com, however if you have any questions as you get this set up and begin to use the plugin, please let [other admin] and me know.
Post Roll-Out Nudge for Managers
- Instructions: Help your managers get off on the right foot by inviting each of their direct reports to reflect on and share their preferences for receiving feedback. This is the first of many great conversations the tool should help facilitate.
- Subject: Reminder - Send Feedback Questionnaire to your team
- From: HR team
- To: Managers
- Cc:
- Bcc: Your CS Advocate
I see that quite a few of you have already been actively using Reflektive with your team members. Keep it up!
I wanted to also remind you all of the short questionnaire I shared with you right before the roll-out. Please distribute to your reports and ask them to share their responses at your next 1:1. Again, asking them for this insight into how they like to receive feedback is another step forward into improving our INSERT CORE VALUES / DESCRIPTION OF IDEAL CULTURE.
Below are the 5 questions to ask. I encourage you to put them in the 1x1 agenda tool in Reflektive to prompt the conversation.
- Give me an example of a time when you had a great experience getting positive feedback.
- Give me an example of when you benefitted from constructive feedback.
- What's important for me to know about how you like to receive feedback?
- What doesn't work well for you in receiving feedback?
- How do you like to be coached for growth?
Displaying Reflektive on a TV
Many of our customers want to increase the visibility of the Recognition Wall by displaying it on office TVs or monitors. This is definitely possible, and we encourage it, especially for early engagement with the tool.
To do so, the best way is to leverage two free tools offered in the Chrome browser, which will allow you to auto-scroll and auto-refresh the wall. Here's what you'll need:
- Auto-scroll: This extension works well, and gives you three-speed settings. We recommend the Medium setting:
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/simple-auto-scroll/dccjkemhmffnljlnnoffljpkhkfpldff?hl=en - Auto-refresh: This extension will set the browser to auto-refresh on any interval you like. 5 minutes is the right interval when combined with a medium auto-scroll setting.
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/easy-auto-refresh/aabcgdmkeabbnleenpncegpcngjpnjkc?hl=en - Lastly, the best way to display the wall is leverage Reflektive's TV view, which appears when you zoom in on the Chrome browser. To do so, simply zoom in 5-6 times using "Ctrl +" on PC or "Cmd +" on Mac. This will switch the display to TV mode.

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