The ADP Workforce Now integration within Reflektive allows us to keep your employee data fully up-to date with your records in ADP Workforce. Information such as employee name, title, manager, and active status, and more can be effortlessly kept in sync once you integrate ADP Workforce Now with Reflektive. The other benefits are listed below:
- Audited operational accounts, requests, and sign-ons between systems
- Authentication, authorization, and secure transmittal of encrypted data
- Authorization requests, confirmations, and audit logs
- Scheduled integration for daily extracts from ADP into Reflektive
Advanced Change Logic
- Automatically manages foundational data changes, including the automation of:
- handles additions, deletions, and terminations
- orchestrates changes in organizations, locations, and groups
- ensure the relationships of managers, employees, and administrators
- Automatically manages foundational data changes, including the automation of:
There is a cost associated with using the ADP integration. Please speak with your Sales or Customer Success contact to learn more.
Purchasing Reflektive Connector:
- Sign into your ADP account. If you don't, then Step 2 doesn't work
- Click on this link to get to the Reflektive App. You'll see the app appear as below:
- To the right of the icon, you can Purchase/Download app. If you already have it, you can Manage App
- Begin the check-out flow on ADP
- Complete the check-out method and continue
- Confirm the order
- Once you receive the order confirmation, click on GO TO MYAPPS
- You should now see Reflektive added to the list of apps you can access
Give consent to allow Reflektive application to retrieve the data from the client ADP database and then login to Reflektive via Single Sign On. See below instructions:
- Go to ADP Consent Manager
- Select Reflektive application > Click Manage > then click Allow
- Login to Reflektive App via Single Sign On
In ADP WFN, create a custom/ Employee Search List titled “Reflektive” for all active employees only
- Reflektive will contact you when the integration has been set up from our side
Reflektive will pull data daily around 8 pm PST via the integration from ADP

Quick Starter Guide
Purchase the Reflektive connector on ADP marketplace
Give consent to allow Reflektive application to retrieve the data from the client ADP database and then login to Reflektive via Single Sign On
Create ADP custom report titled “Reflektive” with the below requested data for all active employees only and to exclude contractors (if applicable)
Reflektive will pull data daily to synchronize
Data Format
Reflektive prefers the following delivery format:
- HTTPS secure transport
- Include only active employees
Data Requested
We request the following fields for each employee, following these naming conventions (Reflektive field / ADP Workforce field):
- user_name / person[legalName][formattedName] - The employee’s full name, in [Last Name, First Name] format, i.e. Smith, Jane
- user_login / businessCommunication[emails][emailUri] || person[communication][emails][emailUri] - The employee’s primary email address, i.e.
- external_uuid / workerID[idValue]- A unique user ID per employee
- manager_login / workAssignments[reportsTo][workerID][idValue] - The primary email address of the employee’s manager. This email address must correspond to another existing user_login, but cannot be the user’s own user_login. If an employee manages themselves, leave this field blank.
- user_department / workAssignments[homeOrganizationalUnits][typeCode][Department]- The department of the employee, i.e. Engineering
- user_title / workAssignments[jobTitle] - The business title of the employee, i.e Software Engineer
- location / homeWorkLocation[address][cityName] - The location description and code of the employee's work, i.e. XXXXX- San Francisco
- hire_date / workerDates[originalHireDate] - The date the employee was hired, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD format
- gender / person[genderCode][codeValue] - Gender currently is limited to m/f
- preferred_name / person[legalName][nickName] + ‘ ‘ + person[legalName][familyName1] - Preferred name
- avatar_file_name / photos[links][href] - A URL to a profile photo for each user
Frequently Asked Questions
- We do not take custom fields (example: secondary managers) or other custom attributes. We only read the generic (and hard-coded) fields you see above
- The Associate ID is considered the external uuid (employee’s unique identifier) in Reflektive
- Clients can manage the amount of users they buy in the ADP Marketplace: My Apps > click Cogwheel for Reflektive app > Manage > Update Subscription to increase or decrease the number of integrated users
- The ADP connector is a monthly fee ($1/user a month) and any billing enquiries are handled with ADP directly
- Refer to attached PDF document on how to create a custom/ Employee Search List in ADP WFN
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