As companies and departments grow, you may need the ability to delegate admin permissions more granularly. Read this article to learn how to designate admins for groups of employees, such as by departments, locations, or other criteria.
Master Administrator Privileges
As the Master Administrator of Reflektive, you will be able to see the subtab "Admin Permissions" within your Admin tab. Master administrators are able to create and delete other review and check-in admins within Reflektive.
We recommend that you have no more than two master administrators.
If you do not see the "Admin Permissions" tab and you need master administrator access, please contact support@reflektive.com.
- Click the Admin tab
- Click "Admin Permissions"
- Click "Create Permission Group" or edit an existing one
How to Create and Set Permissions for One or More Admins:
Master administrators can create, edit, and delete permissions for other administrators. If you are a master administrator, you will see the Admin Permissions subtab within your Admin tab.
To Create and Set Permissions for an Admin:
- Click on the Admin Permissions subtab within your Admin tab.
- Click on "Create Permission Group" (top right corner).
- Fill out the following:
This is where you enter one or more administrators who should have the same level of access. -
Permission Group Name
Tip: Name the permission group something obvious, for example: "Sales department admins" -
Who can admins see?
This is where you can give another administrator access to all employees in the company (Full Admin) or a custom group of employees (Limited Admin). When you choose Custom Employee Group, you'll be able to include and exclude what departments, locations, and employees that this administrator can view. Click Next to choose which product(s) the admins have access to.
Fill out the following product visibility permissions:
Real-Time Feedback Visibility
Choose if the admin(s) for this permission group can see All Employees, a Custom Employee Group, or No Employees. -
Goals Visibility
Choose if the admin(s) for this permission group can see All Employees, a Custom Employee Group, or No Employees.
Checkbox: Choose if the admin(s) for this permission group can create/update company goals. -
Reviews Visibility
Choose if the admin(s) for this permission group can see All Employees, a Custom Employee Group, or No Employees.
Checkbox: Admins can see their own feedback from an administrative perspective.
Check this box if you want this administrator to be able to view their own feedback report as an administrator (able to see the manager view for their own review report) or uncheck this box if you want the administrator to only interact with their own feedback report as an employee (this is the default). -
Employee Profile Visibility
Choose if the admin(s) for this permission group can edit employee profile data for All Employees, a Custom Employee Group, or No Employees.
Checkboxes: Choose if the admin(s) for this permission group can terminate employees, create employees, and/or edit employees. -
Proxy Access
Choose if the admin(s) for this permission group can proxy login as All Employees, a Customer Employee Group, or No Employees.
Real-Time Feedback Visibility
Teams Visibility
Choose if the admin(s) for this permission group can create/update company teams.
Click Create Permission Group. Remember that as a master admin, you also need to set up your own permissions!
IMPORTANT: An administrator can only be part of one permission group!

For example, Robin and Alex are both HRBPs and need to have access to certain groups. Robin needs to have admin access to people in the Engineering department. Alex needs to have admin access to people in Engineering and Product departments. Alex and Robin will need separate permission groups.
Admin permission groups can be edited or deleted at any time. Just hover over the group name and click edit to modify permissions or delete the group.
What Can a Review or Check-in Admin Do?
This admin will have visibility into all current and historic cycles that include the employees who they have permission to see. This admin will also be able to review any feedback for the employees that they are able to see.
Example 1: All Employees
Jay is a Review admin who is able to see all employees. Jay will have visibility into all review or check-in cycles ever created. In each of those cycles, Jay will be able to see feedback for all employees and download review reports that include all employees. -
Example 2: Custom Employee Group
Morgan is a Review admin who is able to see only employees in the Engineering department. Morgan will have visibility into any current or past cycle that includes at least one Engineer as a participant (someone going through the review/check-in and receiving feedback). Within each of those cycles, Morgan will only be able to see feedback about any Engineers. Any review reports that Morgan has access to will only include information about Engineers that are being reviewed.
What Happens When an Administrator Moves to Support Another Department?
If you have an administrator that is moving from supporting one custom group (ex: Engineering) to another (ex: Sales), then the master administrator will need to update the admin permissions within Reflektive.
After these permissions are updated, that admin will lose access to the former group (ex: Engineering) and will only have access to their new group (ex: Sales).
What Happens When a New Employee Joins a Department?
When a new employee joins a department, the admin with permissions for that department will automatically have permissions to see that new employee.
Can All Admins Create a Review or Check-In?
No, only administrators designated as cycle creators in Reflektive can create, edit, and clone cycles using Review Builder. If you need to be a cycle creator, please contact support@reflektive.com.
We Have Custom Fields That We Send Reflektive, Can We Set up Admins Based on These Custom Fields?
We do not currently support searching by custom fields that you may send Reflektive, however, we do plan to support that level of granularity in the future.
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