If you are trying to login (without using Google or a Single-Sign On provider), you will need to set your password in order to enter Reflektive for the first time. If you forgot your password, you will follow the same work flow.
- Visit www.reflektive.com/logout. Click on "Forgot Password or New User?"
- Enter in your email address in the field and click "Request." You will receive a confirmation message. An email should be sent to you within the next 5-10 minutes to reset your password. If you don't receive your reset password email within 5 - 10 minutes, please check your spam filter or any other filters you have set up. The message subject line is “Reset password instructions” and should originate from support@reflektive.com.
If you have NOT been added into Reflektive, you will NOT receive a reset email. If you do not know if you have been added into Reflektive yet, please reach out to your company's HR admin.
- The password reset email will contain a link that will direct you to a password reset page. Enter in your new password, and click "Reset my password."
- Go back to www.reflektive.com/logout and then enter in your new credentials to log in!

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